Lamun - Start your Workspace

by Lamun Research



Dont miss all the important information, with the Lamun application you stay connected wherever you are. The email feature is built with a familiar appearance so that you can easily use it.We have an interesting offer, register your domain so you can create an email with the domain you own (eg: [email protected]), and its free until the specified period.Come join us, and make sure you use all the productivity features.Lamun is a new application that can be an option and solution for your professional email use. With the main function of the email system of course and various other functions, such as personal chat, group chat, calls, video calls, video meet and many more.Suitable for those of you who want to have a professional email, especially personal, community, organizational, corporate, educational and so on.Features presented1. Mail SystemYou can send emails, receive emails, reply to emails and all other email features2. OrderYou can send messages to people, create message groups.3. CallYou can send calls to people and groups.4. StorageYou can save data or files with a maximum file size of 25 MB.5. WorkspaceFor those of you who have a domain, you can register it via the registration page, and choose a package (now free during the trial period), and you can create many email accounts with your domain (eg: [email protected]) and of course we provide storage for special user.6. MicrositeStart create and publish your own site in no timePlease note:- We will check your workspace usage, we will act if the domain registered is not yours.- We open a free trial period without any charges, only until the specified period.Lamun web version policy any other interesting ideas? Feel free to contact us at [email protected]